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APA or A-Train?

APA or A-Train?

NM, Survivor Series 3, 1 In stock
NM, Original, 1 In stock
  • Description
    Smackdown Enforcer
    Can only be revealed if your Superstar card says you can reveal an Enforcer card.
    �Starting Hand Size: +12
    Superstar Value: +3
    Superstar Ability: + Your maneuvers played from your hand are +1D. You cannot play non-unique Action cards from your hand.
    �Starting Hand Size: +6
    Superstar Value: +1
    Superstar Ability: + Once during each of your turns, you may discard 1 card and then search your Arsenal for 1 non-unique card with the word "power," "bomb," or "slam" in the title, reveal it to your opponent, put it in your hand and shuffle your Arsenal. Your cards with the word "power," "bomb" or "slam" in the title are -4F.